Monday, November 29, 2010

Twin Tragedy

As the white roses killing the mockingbirds flying in the sky
As the orchards is blooming in Gerald's heart
The moon is crumbling and a creature is upon us
Is this the end?

As thousands of year, the killings keep on happening and the music is stolen
Shadows of Illingworth with Stanley are gaining power and the Hesters are sealed
The moon is crumbling and a creature is smiling
Is this the end?

Some fled to the North and the West, only to find that the music is is still being stolen
The Arbuthnot's water is stolen or polluted and the White Woods are burning
The moon is crumbling and a creature is giggling
Is this the end?

The mockingbirds and the Hesters are tired, so they plot
Michael, Flinch, and Kelvin are tired, so they plot
The moon is crumbling, but the creature is worried
Is there hope?

In one glorious second, the mockingbirds break free and bind the roses
The Hesters unite with the Michael and the Kelvin to put an end to Stanley
The moon stopped crumbling and the creature is plotting
Could there be hope?

Once free, mockingbirds begin to turn on each other and now there music is wasted
Illingworth's Shadow is drowning the Hesters in the Arbuthnot
The moon is breaking down and the creature is laughing
Is this the end?

The mockingbirds are free from the roses but not from the North
Hesters of the Wilde that still survive now become Scarlet, and Michael is cursed to be alone in the inferno that was once white woods?
The moon is shattered and Mammon is filled with Glee
and I become a fallen Kelvin or a Chillingworth!
But this is not the end!

The Lok De Mare

This world has only one island and many seas
With the sands caramel colored and the sea is crystal blue
With blazing yellow sun and the eternal half moon with the starry sky
With rushing currents currents of the sea underneath the calm blue sea
It is simply beautiful in the eye of my soul!

The caramel colored sands are littered with peridots and sapphires instead of shells!
what a beautiful sight to behold!
The clear blue seas are filled with life and multi colored coraland even lilies are growing underwater!
what a beautiful sight to behold!

The blazing yellow sun radiates this world with warmth and lightand brings this world life,
and in turn this world shines with beauty
The eternal half moon slows the currents and cause the tidesshaping life and bring stability to this world,
and in turn this world is filled with life

The rushing currents, so strong and powerful, spreads the coral and lily seeds across the seas
so life can spread all over this world, and in turn this made this world beautiful
The calm seas over the currents are clear that I could see all but the deepest areas (where I cannot see nor know) brimming with coral and lilies under the starry sky, and I wonder if I am one of those stars (but most likely not)

If I, who unfortunately have not the power nor the right of say, could change this world
Is to turn the moon full to slow down the currents and cause the waves, so that life can become more diverse and stable and to set limits on this world so that it could stay beautiful even if it would cost me an arm, a leg, and a hundred years in hellfire.
So my final words to The Lok De Mare is this, please do not change if you could (unless to turn your moon full)  for your sake and to bring rest to my fallen heart
So now I am finshed, So now I bid my final goodbye to this world

The Nonluna mundus de laurel

What I see is vast fields of a special kind of  laurel and pretty flowers of many kinds and many colors
in a forest filled with ash trees that surround a lake
under a bright sun and a starry yet moonless night
Beautiful world, don't you agree?

The laurel is the most beautiful I have seen with my soul
It's leaves are not leaves,but emeralds that are like leaves
The flowers are many kinds such as ruby roses and diamond orchardsand like the laurel, they are all living gemstones
Beautiful world, don't you agree?

All in the forest of Ash Trees with emerald bark, diamond wood, and sapphire leaves
A Pretty Forest filled with Pretty Trees
surround a deep dark lake with water sweeter honey
that feeds the forest, yet deep to hide some from my soul's eyes
Beautiful World, don't you agree?

All this beauty under a bright sun
to bring intense warmth and energy to support such plants
With a night to bring rest after such a day
but there is no moon, so its true beauty cannot be seen by my soul's eyes
It it is lit by many stars, and I wonder if I am one of those stars
Beautiful World, don't you agree?

I have no power, no abilily, and no right to say my thoughts, my wishes, my conserns, and my farewell
My final thoughts upon this world is her beauty and whenever this world would change
One of my final wishes to this world is to gain a moon to shine the night
To show her true beauty with the moon's light
That this world (besides to gain a moon) is not to crumble and to be careful, so she will not change
My final concern is that this world will change to a shadow of herself, that this world will crumble
for your sake and the sake of my fallen heart
Now I bid this world farewell, now I bid my final farewell

Education Policy Version 1

Education is a key part of OSP to improve an economy and increase tax revenues for the government. We used Deekonomics to suggest that a country should have

    expand educational opportunities for college by making college tuition tax deductible,expanding Pell Grants, and cut student loan interest rates.

    Make all financial aid available to trade and vocational schools, as they often train students in high demand and well paying jobs such as mechanics, metalworking, plumbing, and etc.

    support public school choice, including charter schools and magnet schools that meet the same high standards as other schools. And at a time when so many schools charged with our future are relics of the past, we will attempted provide educational alternatives and enrich our schools with the equipment for a 21st century education.

    support private school vouchers to give parents more choice in there child's education and to also place pressure on failing schools to shape up

    Increased access of national scholarships for science, medical, and high demand fields such as accounting, metalworking, and etc.

    A "Be-On-Time Loan" program is to provide eligible students no-interest loans to attend colleges and universities in the country. If the student meets specified goals, the entire loan amount can be forgiven upon graduation. It provides to about up to $10000 USD each year. It will be restricted to degrees with high job growth and security.

    Creation of a Common Course Numbering System which is a required co-operative effort among all in the country community colleges and universities to facilitate transfer of freshman-, sophomore-, and junior-level general academic coursework. This grants greater freedom of choice for the students, ease the transfer of credits among all institutions

    Require all states to develop an independent "Open University" or a distance learning and research university that an open entry policy, i.e. students' previous academic achievements are not taken into account for entry to most undergraduate courses that provides completely transferable credit under the CCNS to all universities, grant accredited Bachelor’s, Master's, and Doctor's degrees to most fields (not including fields that require special training such as medical degree)

       Require all states to create an educational alternative to students (K-12) who want to earn a high school diploma and need, or prefer, the flexibility of distance education to complete their course work. This is to help out homeschoolers and provide parents an alternative to private schools and public schools

Mockingbird's Vow

Oh Mockingbird
Oh Mockingbird
Why do you sing?
To this rose that will never bloom

Oh Mockingbird
Oh Mockingbird
Why do you watch
This rose that will never bloom

Oh Mockingbird
Oh Mockingbird
Why do you protect
This rose that will never bloom

Oh Mockingbird
Oh Mockingbird
Why make yourself unhappy
For this rose that will never bloom?

Oh Human
Oh Human
I made a vow to sing, to watch, to protect in the decade’s birth
To this rose
To love this rose
I hope that the rose will only bloom for me
I hope that this rose will only love me

Demens Existentia

In a floating island
under the glowing blue moon in the starless sky
above the chaotic black ocean that will never see the light of day

In a floating island
under the cold and logical heavens that brings hope
above the chaotic hell that consumes this world

A charred black skeleton chained by a silver vow from this world to the Maker
sitting on a golden throne made of ice, trying to break free
wearing Leo’s yellow robes, if he was a man, trying to break free

A charred black skeleton chained by a silver vow from this world to the Maker
with pure white flames coming from the charred bones themselves
yet does not burn the plants around the throne, but to make them pure

The skeleton is alive, and spoke to me
“This world in his beginning, cut his al-Hubb in half”
“When this world was shattered by knowledge, Eros was sent to the sea below”

The skeleton is alive, and spoke to me
“I used to have flesh and blood, pretty flesh and blood, but the dark truth burns so bad”
“I used to be sane, but logic wants me to be dead because I burn this world so bad”

The skeleton is alive, and spoke to me
“Oh how I burn this world, Oh how this world wants be to die, Oh how we both want what we give”
“Me, Eros, and the fallen heart, oh how much this world wants us to die”

The skeleton is alive and spoke to me
“I will not die, I was burned and yet I am pure, I am redemption to those who want me”
“ I am pure even though you view me ugly, yet you claim to work for my case”

I ask the skeleton “what are you and please die?”
The skeleton replied “ I will never die in this world, I will never be gone as long there is a blue full moon”
“I am Agape, simple as that”

Silva Castellum in Mare Mundus

A sole dark citadel on a island
One of many islands in the ocean world
Under a bright golden sun in the day
Under a night filled with moonlight without a moon

A sole dark citadel with halls littered with truths
brimming with jade tomes and gold scrolls
A true learning place of the elders, A place where the youth could teach
A place that can hold more knowledge in it’s purest form

One of Many in a ocean world, but all are beautiful
All with Emerald sands on there beaches
Each with different life especially this one but all filled bird made music
With this one filled with fig trees and beautiful silver eared birds singing in the sky

Daytime is a warm time and a golden time
Under such a sun, a reflection of the soul
Daytime is a happy time in this world
Under this glorious sun!

Night is cold and it is dark
Except with many stars and moonlight without a moon
How could moonlight exist without a moon
Is it hiding or just my soul can not see?

My time is up and now I must say good bye
Hardly anything I wish to change
Except the moon, As I trust this world I leave with a final wish
Please stay the same as you are already beautiful

Decree of the Magi

A rib from my chest removed with great pain
is a price I gladly pay, It is to me a bargain for I gain
What is it you may ask?
A slave or a toy if what you seek?

Not a slave to cook and clean
For I have two strong hands to do this
Not a simple toy for me to play with
For I have a mind to for me to use

What is it you seek?
What could worth so much pain?
What could be worth a rib?
Are you just an insane man?

No (except I may be mad), what I seek is a purpose
A gentle opposite that is my duty
One with a mind and one with value
For without such a thing, we men are worthless

Who is this? You may ask?
Those of the gentle gender all have value
All have minds, even thought some may deny it
They are man’s purpose and they deserve kindness

When others claim that they are worthless
Let it be know that they have value in my eyes
When others claim that they are just meant to be used
Let it be know that I view them without such distaste

For men who take and never give back to this purpose
Let it be know that these men are pigs in the eyes that truly matter
For men who abuse the purpose
Let it be known that the men are nothing in the eyes that truly matter

This is my decree, the decree of the Magi
For the eyes that truly matter are me and the Creator
For we see the beauty more clearly than the simple minded men
For we both value the gentle gender

Melchior the Fallen

A creature as a man
is before me, but soon be no more

An ugly creature is once a man
Once a man who followed the path of the mockingbird

Now he lay on the ground, old and frail, before me
With his body without warmth, without love

He tries to rise again, but he cannot
He tries to rise again, but he is broken

I ask him what has become of him
I ask him why does he continue

He said to me, He cried out to me
"I am fallen, I am broken by the path I had chosen but I still follow this path"

He rises one more time
He rises one final time

"Never follow this path there is no reward"
"Never follow this path for those of the rose is truly undeserving"

His final words said, His final moment has gone
He fell one last time, He is fallen, He is dead
He is a Magi of Romance, Melchior the Fallen

My own version of the S.A.N.E Act

Now compare the Yes Men Version with this one and which one would make more economic sense

Value Wages. Alter the minimum wage and overtime system to allow certain basic jobs to become more flexible to meet the needs of businesses and individuals and promote greater employment and reduce prices, thus increasing the value of wages

Busts Trusts. Breaks up financial conglomerates and reinstate the 1933 Glass-Steagall Act keeping investment banks and commercial banks separate, in order to reduce speculation. (exempting credit unions and financial coops)

Taxes Speculation. Passing a federal real estate tax to act as a limiter on housing price bubbles and to discourage speculation in the housing market and also require securities trading facilities to pay an excise tax on a specified percentage of the value of securities and commodities transactions to help hinder excess speculation on the securities exchange

Make all LLCs and LLPs “Serial”. Passing a federal uniform bill to make all states and DC to make all LLCs and LLPs “serial” (entities provides liability protection across multiple "series" each of which is theoretically protected from liabilities arising from the other series.) to grant greater incentive for businesses to invest and greater entrepreneurship</span>

Promote Coops. Make Coops more easier to understand and form by distinguishing from other entities as a separate form of doing business with unique set of tax forms and adjustments to the Tax code to make it more easier to set up and form Coops. Also provides capital to Coops by allowing them access to SBA loans.

More Local Services. Allow county and city governments to form and become members in coops or coop like systems to provide services to the locals if the locals want them to compete with businesses.

Increase Low Income Housing. Create federal income tax breaks and grant 50% Tax Credit for those who invests in real estate to rent out housing to provide greater incentive for those to provide housing on all income levels for rent, which in turn lowers rent

Support Credit Unions. Require states to lax regulation on credit unions and financial coops, allowing them to more easily provide services among other states such as insurance and loans. Also all federal government branches and offices would be required to place all funds in local credit unions

Free Inheritance. Set laws to prevent the Federal government from taxing and to interfere with how one choose to give out in inheritance and prevent anyone from disrupting the will of the deceased

Sets Emergency Tax. Provides for an emergency surtax on commercial and investment banks in case of future financial meltdowns, to further discourage the sort of reckless speculation that fueled the latest banking crisis.

Support Small Businesses. Increase capital for small businesses via providing more SBA loans and offer more online resources and online course for anyone to learn how to start, run, and improve businesses

Privatized Retirement. Abolish the 401ks, IRAs, and SEP IRAs and replace with one RA (Retirement Account) and allow anyone under the age of 30 and those who wish to give up social security to place 5 to 10% of pretax income into this account and can be used for whatever investing purposes (including funding approved further education programs for yourself or a dependent, investing in approved franchises, and other programs that will grant more revenue to the RA) and one can place any after tax income into the account. The employer's contribution will be sent to help pay off Social Security,those who participate in RA will no longer be entitled to social security benefits, and any withdraws after the age of 60 is considered nontaxable income

Increase Affordable Healthcare. All healthcare and life insurance is tax deductible, ban restrictions that prevent small insurance companies from selling in other states, and require transparency about policies